7 Dungeon Survival Rhymes

My group is about to begin a sandbox campaign with a classic megadungeon crawl in the middle of the map (thank you, #Dungeon23). They're all 5e players that I'm attempting to win over with OSE Advanced. We'll see if the system sticks. I wrote up a few rhymes to use as in game artifacts, either hastily scratched onto some dungeon wall or scrawled into a sheet of parchment that the players are given.

1. If it sparks your ire, douse it with fire.

2. A well stuck spike keeps a door shut tight.

3. A bag of dirt will save you some hurt.

4. Mirror, mirror, round the corner: keep me mum from becoming a mourner.

5. A pole swung instead keeps your brains in your head.

6. North then south then east then west–look up and down before you rest.

7. Marbles and caltrops, pebbles and bearings; pour them out often, they're great for sharing! 

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