Hex 10.19 - Hills - Goblin Dig Site

Lake Danov greets you with the smell of fish and a musty breeze. Near the shoreline, you see a small group of six yellow goblins digging furiously in the sand. One of them, missing a leg and leaning on an ivory walking stick, shouts incomprehensibly between swigs from a golden canteen. Sunlight reflects off the monocle of a smaller goblin standing next to him who is (with no small amount of effort) trying to sound out the writing on a crinkled map.

  • The leader is called Goldleg, and he desires treasure above all else. “Why called Goldleg? ‘Cuz no have leg, no have gold—yet!”
  • The reader is nicknamed Monocle Mike and he learned to read from a very famous Poroslovak scholar (Vladislov Witwicki) who spent time studying goblins. Monocle Mike is not very sure of himself, but pretty well spoken for a goblin.
  • Yellow goblins are not native to the Danov Lake region. They have come all the way from Visigothia on a treasure hunt.
  • The treasure they are seeking is actually in 10.20, and any literate player will immediately be able to tell from reading the map.
  • They are armed, but not immediately hostile to the players. They attempt to hide the map, and if asked, they claim that they are “burying a friend,” and one of the diggers will suddenly pretend to be dead.

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